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Labour Solutions Australia takes on Movember

Did you know that men die an average 5 years earlier than women? And for reasons that are largely preventable.

The statistics need to change. This is why Labour Solutions Australia, alongside our sister company Paxus, are raising awareness for men’s health this Movember. We’re doing it for the many dads, brothers, sons, partners, friends, and workmates in the wider Labour Solutions Australia and Paxus network

Movember is the leading charity paving the way for men’s health. They aim to address several growing health concerns including suicide prevention, prostate cancer, and testicular cancer. Their goal is to reduce the number of men that die prematurely by 25 per cent, from now until the year 2030. Movember looks at health through a male lens, focusing on prevention, early intervention, and health promotion.

Each year a number of men are faced with a life-threatening prostate cancer diagnosis. Testicular cancer affects more young men than any other cancer globally. And across the world, one man dies by suicide every minute of every day, with males accounting for 75 per cent of all suicides. The men in our lives are facing a health crisis, yet it’s rarely talked about. Men are dying too young, which is why we want to do our bit to promote men’s health in our workforce and the industries where we operate.


Team LSA and Paxus

Our Movember team comprises of 17 members of staff who will be fundraising for men’s health this month.

Some will be growing a Mo, starting cleanly shaven at the beginning of November. Patchy, lopsided, itchy, or epic – whatever Mo they grow, will save a bro, and raise important funds and awareness for men’s health. We’ll also be hosting a competition for the most outrageous Mo, so be sure to check our social media accounts over the coming weeks for progress updates.

Others will be running or walking 60kms over the month for an initiative called Move for Movember. This number sadly represents the 60 men we lose to suicide each hour, every hour, across the world.

If you have the capacity to support our journey this Movember, you can donate directly to our team page. Every small amount will make a big difference to saving men’s lives and increasing awareness of these important issues.

Helpful Resources

The Movember website has an extensive collection of resources, tips, and information that will empower you with knowledge to advocate for men’s health.

Mental health – Learn how to spot the signs and what to look out for, so you can take action and support both yourself and others.

Prostate cancer – Learn what you need to know about prostate cancer and who’s at risk. By knowing the facts, you can increase early detection and save your own or somebody else’s life.

Testicular cancer – Get to know what’s normal and what’s not as when caught early, testicular cancer is highly treatable and highly curable.


Useful contacts

Lifeline – 13 11 14

Beyond Blue – 1300 224 636

Mensline – 1300 78 99 78

Suicide Call Back Service – 1300 659 467